
The Shadow Of Time

Thursday, August 11, 2011

The first day. Minus kids.

1. Collegiality.
2. Bookshelves and tack strips.
3. Jimmy Johns.
4. Thunder.
5. Silly Simonisms.
6. Snorting like a pig.
7. Steaks and worstie.
8. Ringing the bell.
9. "Mom, I can see my nose." -Jack
10. Simon and his daddy, sleeping away...
11. The moon, shimmering off the clouds. Did you see it?

Wednesday, August 10, 2011

Yesterday and Today.

1. Back at it.
2. Catching up with Natalie!
3. Dinner under the deck.
4. Working with Lindsay.
5. Cooler weather today.
6. Penny Kittle.
7. Pre-swim dinner at Woog's with the 'rents and the Loetschers.
8. Watching Jack ride his bike, the bluff glowing in the sunset, under the moon.
9. Simon's laugh.
10. Jack falling asleep in my lap.
11. My notebook.

Monday, August 8, 2011

Back in business...

1. Sort of sleeping in. Getting up on my own terms, at least.
2. Setting up my work desk.
3. Kiddie pool time with Matt.
4. Simon's haircut is just way too cute!
5. Facebooking with Beth this morning.
6. Jackson, skipping his nap so that he can do "homework."
7. Other people's blogs.

Holy Camoley...

Well, gang. It's been a great summer. Busy, but still lots of fun here and there.

  • Bob and Pat came out to visit, and we went to the hot springs again. This time the slide was open - Jack loved it, and so did Mom!
  • Visiting with Dan and Erin and they boys - even after we rear-ended them!
  • Simon's first birthday!!!
  • Race cars downtown.
  • Great garage sale finds - coffee table for Mom and Dad, cedar chest for me!
  • Carson's wedding.
  • Lindsay's wedding.
  • 4th of July at Joe's. Chickens and beer. 
  • Went to training in Montezuma, and met some really fabulous people! Got locked out of my room in the middle of the night, climbed back through the window with Shantell. Met my Saudi soul sister, Courtney, whose son has the same shirt as Jack. Enjoyed the closing ceremonies...
  • Bath time with the boys. 
  • Water play and war under the deck. 
  • Quick trip to Wisconsin - fishing, boating, swimming, dirt biking, canoeing, shooting, storms and family. So much fun!
  • Hiking (scrambling) with Caleb.
  • Light saber battles with Jack.
  • Breakfasts at the North End Diner.
  • Simon's first haircut!
  • Great capstone class at CC - finishing my Master's!
  • Kiddie pools and hot tubs. 
  • Daily thunderstorms.

Back to the grind, people! But it's a good grind...