
The Shadow Of Time

Tuesday, November 30, 2010

Tuesday was a long day!

Whew. That was a whirlwind. These are the moments that made it worthwhile...

1. I got the sweetest phone call from Jack this morning just a few minutes after I left the house... He called to say that he didn't get up in time to give me a kiss, but he wanted me to have a good day.
2. I got a lot done at work today. I think. I made a lot more work to do though, too.
3. 50 minutes on the treadmill with Terry Gross.
4. Quiet time with Jack in my nest.
5. When I asked Jack what his favorite part of his day was, he kissed me on the cheek and said, "Kissing you." And when I kissed him back he said, "I'm gonna rub it in my cheek so it will go into my heart."

Good day.

Monday, November 29, 2010

Last Monday in November

Where has this year gone???

1. Sitting back and watching my IB kids rise to the challenge of teaching each other - and loving that every day at work is new, different, exciting and rewarding.
2. Intriguing and compelling conversations at book club tonight - and yummy food and beverages to boot!
3. Getting an awesome letter and a husk of corn in the mail today.
4. Matt says at dinner, "Isn't Momma smart?" and Jack says, "Yeah, kinda. Y'know who's really smart?" and Matt says, "Who?" To which Jack replies, "Obama!" Man, that made me laugh out loud. What a goof!
5. Bathtime with the kiddos: Marveling at how long Jack's legs are (he's as big as the bathtub when he stretches out his arms), watching Simon trying to grab the water as I poured it on his belly, just being amazed at the fact that I've got two beautiful kids and an awesome husband.

Lots of good things today.

Sunday, November 28, 2010

Many Things I'm Thankful For...

Instead of doing 5 every day, I've got a list for Thanksgiving weekend... (numbered, but in no particular order):

1. Coloring with Jack.
2. Playing "What if" with Jackson: "What if a house was made out of doors?" I mean, think about it... Jack also said, "This is going to laugh you... What if a house was made out of eyeballs?" What if, indeed... :)
3. Thanksgiving dinner at Hell's Backbone Grill with Steph and Matt and Kelly.
4. Hiking on T-Day.
5. Waking up in a blizzard.
6. The Anasazi State Park and Museum.
7. Posole.
8. Taking a shower.
9. Playing Yahtzee.
10. Gorgeous scenery.
11. The mandatory break between dinner and dessert.
12. Picking up "boo-ti-ful rocks" and then giving them back to nature.
13. "The Cheerios fell out of the shower!"
14. That one gas station in Boulder.
15. Seeing deer on our first hike.
16. Petrified wood.
17. Hot cocoa (mint!).
18. Lower Calf Creek Falls Hike. Even though we didn't make it all the way.
19. Listening to Christmas music the morning after T-Day. :)
20. Listening to JD and making b-fast in the RV.
21. Angry Birds!!!
22. Simon laughing at Jack throwing leaves up in the air.
23. Walking to the bathroom with Boppy in the dark.
24. Running around in the grass.
25. Playing at Devil's Garden.

Tuesday, November 23, 2010

Monday Friday

1. The one-day work week. :)
2. Stand by Me - Playing for Change (thanks Nance!).
3. One full hour of quiet time all by myself!
4. The stars.
5. Snuggling with Matt.

Monday, November 22, 2010

Sunday Sunday Sunday

1. Coffee. Lots of coffee.
2. The wind.
3. Kissin' on Simon.
4. Football.
5. Watching Jack rediscover all of his trains.

Saturday, November 20, 2010

Day Before Sunday

1. Making coffee with Simon.
2. Boppy!
3. Walking around the block twice.
4. A load of sweet potatoes!
5. Matt's back!!!

Finally Friday!!!

1. Interesting class discussions about Afghanistan.
2. La Casita tortillas!
3. Moon dog.
4. Dinner and fun with the Stegemans.
5. A glass of wine before bed.

Thursday, November 18, 2010

Almost Friday

1. Gorgeous sunrise, gorgeous sunset.
2. Leaving work early.
3. Sushi with Jack and Simon.
4. Hanging new pictures and cleaning. Lame, but true.
5. Thinking about Thanksgiving...

Wednesday, November 17, 2010

It's finally... Wednesday! (Wait, it's only Wednesday???)

1. Great day with my students. I love my job!
2. Beautiful snow on the peak this morning.
3. Hangin' with Joey: dinner and swim lessons.
4. Survivor, wine and ice cream (yay for Jack pooping in the potty at the Y!).
5. And again, talking with Jack in the car. He says the funniest stuff. "We are almost to our casa!"And he tells Simon when he cries, "I know we're in the car. Tell me another story!" I love being a mom!

Tuesday, November 16, 2010

What a great Tuesday!!!

1. I love my community. It means that, even at 7 am, I have an AWESOME baby sitter to help me out in the morning when I have early meetings and my husband is in Monaco...
2. Awesome discussions during PLC today. Really. Awesome.
3. Funny conversations with Jack today...
4. Beautiful nakedness of happy trees laughing in the wind.
5. Jack laughing at Simon laughing at Jack.

Good day. Great day.

Monday, November 15, 2010

Wish it were a Sunday... cuz that's my funday...

1. Jeremy Joiner's birthday party!!!!
2. The cold breeze.
3. Bev's nice compliment right off the bat this morning.
4. Taking a professional day to do a few observations, have some meetings, and get some grading done. (Though I hardly got any grading done.)
5. Hanging out with Jack on the couch, watching football.

Yesterday was Sunday

And I didn't post...

1. Football. And in particular, that amazing Broncos win against the Chiefs!
2. Watching Jack and Matt spend three hours putting Jack's new kitchen together.
3. Eating all of the amazing food Jack made us from his new kitchen.
4. Yummy bean soup.
5. Getting grading done without it being too arduous.

Sunday, November 14, 2010

Saturdays are for the Birds

1. Quiet time with Simon.
2. Harry Potter marathon.
3. Watching Jack love on Si.
4. Wheat Thins.
5. The Switch Witch Fairy.

Saturday, November 13, 2010

Friday #2

1. That it's actually Friday.
2. Funny collaborative CAS forms.
3. Drinks with the Krakellers.
4. Inspiring art.
5. HIMYM marathon night with Matt.

Thursday, November 11, 2010

Veteran's Day

1. Sleeping in, sort of.
2. Crosswords and sudokus.
3. Coffee with Tonya.
4. Smooching with Simon at lunch.
5. The storm front.

Wednesday, November 10, 2010

Funny Things Are Everywhere

1. The sunrise was gorgeous this morning... walking in the hallway on the 3rd floor toward the office, I was struck at the beauty of the bricks of the buildings, shining in the early morning sun.
2. Great book club, conversations, and beers with great friends.
3. Swim lessons!!!
4. Smooching on Simon.
5. The probability of snow.

Tuesday, November 9, 2010

Tuesday out of the Ordinary

1. All day work session at the Franciscan Retreat Center - complete with a herd of deer. Four 8-point bucks, eight does and two fawns. Just hangin' out.
2. Time for myself, in the car and on the treadmill.
3. Listening to, reading, and singing along with John Denver... the boys loved it, and I loved imagining my parents doing the same with us.
4. The first real snow of the year.
5. When Jack got out of the car today, he said, "Before I put my backpack on, I just want to tell you how much I missed you!" And then he gave me a hug and said, "As much I as hug you, that's how much I missed you."

Monday Monday

1. Playing hockey in the kitchen.
2. Waiting in a long line at the grocery store, watching Jack play peek-a-boo with Simon and listening to them both belly laugh over and over again.
3. The beautiful sunrise.
4. The beautiful sliver of a moon.
5. Funny picture from way back when.

Sunday, November 7, 2010

Sunday Funday

1. The Broncos didn't lose today.
2. Brunch with BJ (who met my parents for the first, but not the last, time)
3. Jack wanted candy from his Halloween stash. So he picked a piece of bubblegum (one that looked like a gobstopper)... He's never had bubblegum before, so I gummed it up for him and gave him instructions not to swallow it. He got about 5 chews in and spit it out. "Gross!" he said. "Can I have another piece of candy?" Sure thing... He chose... dah dah dam... a snack pack of pretzels. And was perfectly satisfied.
4. Matt came home.
5. Jack in my nest.

Saturday, November 6, 2010

Beautiful Day!

1. Fabulous hike at Red Rock Open Space.
2. Nachos at Old Chicago (and rock star parking).
3. Drinking on the deck.
4. Harold and Kumar.
5. Cone back on the dog.

Friday, November 5, 2010

Friday with Family

1. Sleeping in with Simon.
2. Noodle bowls at Saigon.
3. Playing baseball in the front yard.
4. Cone-faced Cheyenne.
5. Watching Jack and Dad watching videos of the shuttle launching...

Thursday, November 4, 2010

Thursday = Friday

1. Drinks with the Hen House plus Mom!
2. Making Simon laugh.
3. Fire
4. Dad making dinner.
5. Taking tomorrow off!!!

Wednesday, November 3, 2010

Hump Day Happies

1. Emails from students.
2. Great conversations with colleagues about doing what's right for kids.
3. Laughing with Lindsay.
4. Rico's with Matt during swim lessons.
5. Watching Jack swim across the pool all on his own!

Tuesday, November 2, 2010

5 More Things Today

1. The sunrise - the sky was a rich purple over the mountains.
2. Laughing while working with colleagues.
3. Playing baseball in the front yard with my parents and my son.
4. Managing bath time with two boys who love baths.
5. Listening to my mom help my son sound out words while they're reading.

Good day.

Monday, November 1, 2010

In an effort to keep up with real life...

I haven't written in so long. Life is crazy, and while I still have many an interesting errant thought, I rarely have time to express it... For now, I'll be capturing my days in 5 things that make me happy. Today...

1. The cold morning wind blowing in my window
2. Simon's stories
3. Nosh
4. Mom and Dad being in town
5. "I love you," "Spider Man," and "Rock On!"